Monday, September 11, 2006

Rebuilding a Credit

Many people think debt is easy. Well debt is not so simple. The mark it can leave on your credit will hang around for awhile. There are ways to rebuild your credit. Or to establish credit if you do not have much.

Get a Credit Check up Just like you need to go to the doctor every year to make sure everything is running smoothly. By law consumers have to be able to access free copies of their credit report from the three major credit reporting bureaus once a year. You can file a dispute with the credit agency and they will look into it.

Apply for new credit The best way to show that you have cleaned up your act is to prove it.

Another option is to find a friend or family member who has good credit and ask if you could become an authorized user on one of their cards. If they agree you can have a card sent to you. You don’t even have to use it. As long as they are keeping good credit it will report on your credit as well.

Get Secured credit cards are also another way to build positive credit.


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