Thursday, July 26, 2007

Langston Hughes - Salvation

Langston Ted Hughes makes a past experience into a true to life play of guilt, deception, and grief, in "Salvation." He uncovers the narrative of how he was forced into receiving Jesus by his peers, relatives, and preacher. Helpless and alone, he fights against overpowering odds. After a long-winded discourse the children of the fold are asked to come up up forward and accept Jesus.

Instead of moving forward, Langston waits for the Godhead to come to him. When nil happens, Langston travels forward anyway just to delight his auntie and the church. In the end be is not only grief-stricken, but have Lost all belief in God.

Group pressure level forced Langston into doing something that was totally against his good judgment. When Langston's friend Westley went forward the pressure level increased twofold. Not only was he exposed to the persuasion of the church, but he realized that if Westley did it, it might be admissible. A similar state of affairs might be Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

When Adam saw that Eve had taken of the fruit and was unharmed, he too ate of the tree of knowledge. Westley certainly hadn't been struck dead, so why not give in to salvage additional trouble? If he didn't acquire saved everyone would turn against him. In a sense the fold became his Supreme Being because they pushed him into going to the platform.

The writer additions the regard of the reader by telling the narrative from his point of position and in his ain voice. He states the narrative truthfully as accurately as he can retrieve it.

The highly graphic verbal descriptions of the church, the preacher, and his aunt, aid maintain the impulse of the narrative rolling. Langston supplies the chief fictional character an audience and the reader a spot of human excitement. He recreates the true play of facing an opponent military unit without any outside help.

Although Langston Ted Hughes believed in the world of Jesus, he was deceivingly forced into doing something completely against his will. He fooled everyone by making an insincere decision. His emotions and feelings come up out in the end of the story. Langston could hear himself thinking during the ordeal and he knew that he was alone. His concluding determination was based on what was sufficient for the congregation, not himself.

"Salvation" is an amazing portraiture of what true redemption is all about. It is a bosom decision, not just walking down an aisle. It was Keith Green, the Gospels Artist, who once said: "Going to Christian church doesn't make you a Christian, anymore than going to McDonald's make you a hamburger." Endquote!

It is my sincere desire that those who don't cognize the Godhead who read "Salvation" may understand what it really states in I Toilet 1:9: If we confess with our oral cavity Jesus Of Nazareth as Lord, and believe in our bosom that Supreme Being raised him from the dead, we shall be saved."

Notice, confession is from belief in the heart, not out of equal pressure level or entry to what everyone else desires you to do. I sincerely believe "Salvation" by Langston Ted Hughes do those who have got merely walked down an aisle, not because they wanted to happen Jesus, believe twice.

When one truly happens Christ, it'll be from the heart, not from anything else...

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