Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No More Scrolling! PDF Is Out - Digital Flip Technology Is In

Myrtle Beach, SC - Finally, a software program that is
no longer cumbersome or requires no continual
scrolling to read online e-books, brochures or
magazines. Now online users can enjoy "flipping"
their way through e-publications easily, without
trying to navigate the old pdf way.

This new digital flip technology has been on the
market for quite some time, however, only a few
innovative publishers are utilizing it. Online
magazine publishers such as; duPont Registry, Shape,
DVD Etc. have seen an increased in their subscriber
base, after implemented their new look.

"If you're fingers are tired of constantly scrolling
down to view an online publication or "zooming in and
out" to see the whole page, then chances are your
customers are frustrated with pdf files as well." says
David DeCantillon, owner of Integrated Media
Solutions. "This digital flip software allows the user
to interact with an e-publication by providing easy
point and click page turning, while giving an unique
3-D multimedia experience."

Digital Flip® technology has been around since 1998
and was mainly distributed overseas, until recently.
Many publishers and company in the US, are now seeing
the benefits of this interactive breakthrough. From
authors to photographers, they are all receiving rave
reviews, as they integrate their work into a 3-D
flipbook style, making it better to read and easy to

PDF style publications has made some significant
strides over the years with hyperlink access, embedded
links from the table of contents and index etc.
However, today's online readers want something more
user friendly and more eye appealing.

With digital flipbooks so many options are available,
such as: changing backgrounds, book marking, external
and internal linking, flash media presentations, audio
and video implementation, even background music while
users are browsing.
In summary:
Regardless of what business you are in, if you are
looking to "wow" your customers with your next
e-publication, this 3-D interactive Digital Flip®
technology is for you. It can be placed on your
website or passed along on a CD-ROM. To see a live
demonstration Visit Integrated Media Solutions at


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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Interview with Erlend Peterson, Author of "Rich by Choice"

Erlend Peterson is a financial planner with thirty-two years of experience managing money. He is the author of three books including "Money Changes Everything" and "The Challenge of Wealth." "Rich by Choice" is specifically geared toward helping the middle-class become affluent.

Tyler: Welcome, Erlend. I know the topic of your book is one every reader wants to know about: "How can I make or save more money"? I understand personal experiences made you decide to become a financial planner and write these books. Would you tell us a little about why you decided to go down that career path?

Erlend: I retired at 40! Wow! Great! Beautiful wife, 6 kids, 3-1/2 acre estate with tennis court and swimming pool. Three years later, I was broke, so I decided to learn how to handle my money and invest.

Tyler: The first chapter of your book, "Rich by Choice" is titled "Rich or Poor, It's Your Choice." I am curious if you would agree that many people have a negative attitude toward money and feel they cannot improve their economic situations. The idea that they choose their own financial situation may seem overwhelming to them. What would you say to such people?

Erlend: Yes, it is possible to become rich. Anybody can.
a. Know that it is possible. All you need is a steady income
b. Decide to do it, you want to do it, you need to do it, and you know it can be done.
c. You start. Work out a plan and begin.
d. Follow your plan and watch your results month by month, year after year.

Tyler: Why do you think so many people find themselves with financial difficulties?

Erlend: People find themselves in financial difficulties for three reasons: (1) Personal finance, investing, and money management are not taught in our schools, not in high schools or college. That's why I wrote my books. (2) In this country anyone can become rich, there are no restrictions, so I think a lot of people just assume that they will somehow become rich and they start spending as if they already were. (3) The banks and credit cards give credit to everybody. A lot of people take advantage of that and spend money they don't have.

Tyler: Do you feel parents and schools need to take more responsibility toward teaching children about money? What kinds of suggestions would you have for teaching children about money?

Erlend: Yes, both parents and schools should start teaching children about money. Schools should start teaching classes about personal finance. When parents give their kids an allowance, they should start talking about money. An allowance is income. You can only spend money based on what you earn, your income. When the parents file their taxes, they should discuss that with their kids. Discuss cars and auto insurance, and that can lead to discussing other kinds of insurance: Homeowners, life, etc. Discuss their monthly bills occasionally: Water, gas, electric, cable and their charge accounts and credit cards. Take the kids into their bank and discuss the bank and what it does and what it doesn't do.

Tyler: That's great advice, Erlend. What do you feel sets "Rich by Choice" apart from the many other books about money out there, especially those by such well-known personalities as Suze Orman?

Erlend: Money is a number: 14 cents, $1.50, $2,000, $1,000,000.

a. My book has numbers, charts and tables, all the numbers you need to make your situation work.

b. Suze Orman has no numbers; neither do most of the other books that are available.

c. My books have true stories and practical illustrations that show how money works and how it will work for you.

Tyler: I understand your book has a seven-step plan to wealth. Would you tell us what those seven steps are?

The Seven Steps are:

1. Cash reserve

2. Insurance

3. Fixed income savings

4. Growth investments

5. Tax planning

6. Retirement planning

7. Estate planning

Tyler: In "Rich by Choice" you talk about how much insurance a person needs and which ones are essential. Would you give us a summary of your opinions on insurance?

Erlend: If you own a car in California and other states, you must have auto insurance. If you own a home, get homeowners insurance. Your home is a huge asset and it deserves protection. If you have financial dependents, parents, kids, others, you need life insurance to protect their income stream.

Tyler: Are there certain kinds of life insurance you wouldn't recommend? Can a person have too much insurance? How much is enough?

Erlend: Not everybody needs life insurance. If no one is dependent on you for their income and financial needs, you don't need life insurance.

In a typical family situation, the working parent or parents should have enough life insurance to provide total income for the family for two to five years if they die prematurely. This should be whole life or universal life. Plan to keep these policies for your lifetime. You pay the premium monthly or annually as long as you have the policy, or you can arrange to have the policy paid up at age 65 or some other age. These policies build cash value inside the policy as long as you make the payments, and this cash value build-up after 20 or 30 or 40 years can provide extra income for you in your retirement.

Other common types of life insurance are term life and variable universal life. Variable universal life invests some of your premium payments into various types of mutual funds, instead of the guaranteed fixed investment in the regular universal life and whole life policies. These mutual fund investments in the variable life policies can go up or down so there is considerable risk to the cash value portion of these policies. The monthly or annual premium or cost of variable life is much more than universal or whole life.

Term life insurance is issued for a specific term of years, usually 5-10 or 20 years. At the end of the term, the policy lapses, ends, or you can renew it based on your age then, at a much higher cost. Term life has no cash value build-up and is therefore much cheaper than the other policies.

Because of the great differences in these policies, it would be good to discuss your need for life insurance and get quotes from agents at three different companies.

Tyler: Thanks, Erlend. You certainly know about life insurance. How about real estate? We hear so much today about the importance of investing in it. How important do you think real estate is to gaining wealth and financial independence, and what would you say is the next best thing to do for people who are not interested in buying and selling properties?

Erlend: Real estate works, but it takes some cash and steady effort on your part. You must rent out the property, collect the rent, pay the property taxes, make repairs, etc. Real estate prices also run in cycles; the prices go up and down. They are high now. If you have the cash, the time and the skill, real estate works.

Mutual funds are much simpler:

a. Pick good funds, with 10-12% annual growth over the last 3 - 5 -10 years.

b. Make steady investments every paycheck.

c. Watch the results grow.

Tyler: What about U.S. Savings Bonds? Lots of people buy U.S. Savings Bonds regularly through their paychecks or they give them as gifts or save them to use for their children's education. Do you feel U.S. Savings Bonds are a good investment?

Erlend: U.S. Savings Bonds are the safest investment in the world. They are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury. In the Seven Step process, they fit on Step 3, fixed income savings. The problem with them is they are (1) long term, 20 or 30 years, so you could lose money if you had to cash them in early, and (2) they only pay 4-5-6%. Good long-term investments should pay 8-10-12% or more. You can now buy most investments regularly through your bank or payroll.

Tyler: Which do you feel is more important, buying a home and then using your extra money to pay off the mortgage as quickly as possible, or to take that extra money and invest it?

Erlend: Let the mortgage run. It has tax benefits. Put all available income into tax qualified retirement plans: IRA, 401-K, 403-B, 457, etc. When you are investing the max in them, then make extra mortgage payments.

Tyler: What is the first thing you would suggest a person do to start the journey toward being rich?

Erlend: The first thing each person must do when they realize or decide that they want to be RICH is to stop and examine their present financial situation and think about their future situation and what they want it to be. This does not have to be done in detail down to the last dollar, but just enough to get a sense of where they are going. They need to know that it is absolutely possible to get there.

Knowing what you want to do and knowing that it is possible are the first step. Then you do it.

Tyler: Erlend, if people only learned one thing from your book, what do you hope it would be?

Erlend: That they can become rich, because anybody can, and therefore, that they will start NOW.

Tyler: Thanks so much, Erlend. I could easily think of a hundred more questions to ask you about money, but we'll leave it up to the readers to get more information by purchasing a copy of your book "Rich by Choice." Will you tell readers where they can get more information about your book and where to purchase it?

Erlend: And thank you, Tyler. I'll be glad to answer your next hundred questions, ten at a time. I really want to help everybody who wants help, to become financially secure … that is, rich.

My books can be found on the Internet at:

And at: Barnes & Noble book stores and

Tyler: Thank you, Erlend. I wish you and all our readers well on the road to prosperity.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Quick And Easy Way To Produce Ebooks

Today I'm going to show you how to create a hot selling eBook in one day. And get this, you'll only have to write five paragraphs. Anyone on the planet can do that. So without further ado let's get started.

Decide on Your eBook Topic

The first step is to have it clear in your mind what subject you want your ebook to be on. If you are not sure as to the subject then have a read of my article on finding niche markets.

Now what we're going to do is use other peoples' hard work to create our very own unique eBook. Sounds too good to be true doesn't it. However this is a very real opportunity that the top gun ebook publishers use time and time again to create products in lightning quick time.

We're going to use the content from the best of them to create ebooks. You see web site owners write articles and submit them to article directories so that they get free publicity for their sites. At the end of each article is a link back to their web site with a bit of information about their site for example. These site owners want people to take that article and market it to people so they get visitors to their site without spending a dime on marketing. This is perfect for savvy entrepreneurs just like you.

You see what we can do at go is type in a niche in the search bar at the top right (make sure it's on "article content" rather than search by author). Type in your niche market. So for example type in "dogs". You'll get thousands of result related to what you have searched for. Now what I want you to do is simply go through the results finding at least seventy quality articles related to the dog market and copy and paste them into word or some kind of word processing application.

As I've said make sure they are quality articles. If you create an ebook using rubbish you'll just get a sky high refund rate and it will all be a pointless exercise. Do it right from the off and you'll set yourself up for success.

If you can, try and tie all the articles together in one sub niche. For example a sub niche of dogs might be training your dog. So you could find articles on stopping your dog from barking at night, toilet training that kind of thing. Use a bit of imagination when using this method.

Email Article Authors

You don't want to use any articles without the author's permission. Remember the majority of articles will have been submitted so the author can get visitors to their site without spending a dime. However you never want to breach any copyright laws. To avoid this email the authors of each article. Explain to them that you are creating an ebook aimed at their niche market. You'd love to include their article in your book and you'll include a link back to their site and information about them. Also ask them if they have any other articles you could include.

You can expect around seventy percent of authors you contact to be delighted you're going to include their article in your book. Then all you need to do is discard the articles from authors who you haven't heard from or who won't let you use their article.

Put the articles in an order that makes sense and create a contents page. Use the titles of the articles as contents topics. You could even create chapters aimed at solving certain problems people in your niche have. All articles would make up separate chapters.

Add a title and a small copyright section so people know that this product is unique to you and your business. Also point out that people don't have the rights to resell it.

Finally write a short introduction and conclusion. These only need to be a few paragraphs each. Tell people what they can expect to learn and make sure you sign off using your name. Instantly you will establish yourself as an expert. You can also link to your back end products at the end of the book to increase your sales.

Finally you need to turn it into an ebook to sell. Don't worry it won't cost you a dime. Once downloaded all you need to do is in your word software hit "file" and then "print" and then select "primo PDF" as your printer. Voila. You've just created an ebook using other people's hard work. This whole process can be done in just a few hours. Obviously you may need to wait a day or two for the article authors to get back to you but apart from that you're all set! Anyone can use this method to create more ebooks than you'd ever be able to sell.

That's a great method right?

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Resale Rights Products - Where to Find Your Resale License

Selling eBooks and software with Resale Rights is an effective and inexpensive way to build your business.

It's important though to be ethical in your business practices and respect the terms of the resale rights license that comes with the product.

While that may sound easy, in practice finding and abiding by the terms of your license can be frustrating and confusing.

To Abide by Your Resale Rights License First You Have to Find It Some authors make respecting the terms of the Resale Rights license attached to their product quite a chore right from the start by making the license difficult to find. If you've had trouble just locating your license here are some places to look.

Most Resale Rights products come packaged in a .zip file. Once you have extracted the contents of the file look for a .txt file or a .pdf file that does not seem to belong to the actual product. This file could be named all most anything but usually it will be called something like "license" or "terms".

Sometimes the author has shortened a longer term by using only the first letters to form the file name. Master Resale Rights License becomes MRRL.txt. Check anything that looks out of place.

If you can't find a file that contains the license terms try looking for them in the product itself. Look closely at the first few pages. The actual terms might be only a very short sentence that is easily missed.

If you still can't find the license and the product comes with a sales page, try looking there. The information you are so diligently seeking may be buried in the sales copy.

On rare occasions there simply isn't any license information. Then your only recourse is to contact the author. One possible exception is if the product is "Brandable" and includes branding software. If the author has gone to the trouble to include a branding script it seems safe to assume that he or she wants the product to be distributed.

If you have any doubts about the author's intentions then it is best to contact him or her and keep the product off the market until the situation has been clarified.

In part two of this three part series we'll look at some of the common conditions attached to Resale Rights products.

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Product Creation - Live Example of Writing a 100 Page Ebook IV

You know, if you end up with 12 chapters and some chapters have a few more than ten because you really need it. You know, maybe ten different ways to do weight loss, but exercises, you might have 25. Equipment, I don't know how you would cover that, but maybe you have 12. My guess is you're going to end up with 150 to 200 pages.

I know it's daunting and for anybody else, for everybody else that's raised their hand and you know said, 'product creation is something where I struggle a little bit.' This may be daunting, but break it down to these individual articles. Just about everybody on this call has written articles, you've written a few. Yes, it takes discipline, yes it takes sitting down at the computer and simply doing it. And, I know that sometimes you'll run into writer's block, but if you'll take one afternoon and brainstorm exactly the same way that Cheryl and I have just been doing to come up with these chapters, and then these things that you know about each of these topics in the chapter, you can come up with, you can outline an entire book in an afternoon.

Then, to write that book, all you've got to do is start filling in the blanks. Write one article, three or four hundred pages, for every single topic that you've created. And you don't have to start at the beginning. You can start anywhere in the middle of it. And you just keep filling it up. Every day you sit down and you write ten pages. Or you write five pages or whatever it it. It doesn't have to be perfect the first time you write it.

After you've written it, you read through it and you fix it. So, this could be your $50 product, perhaps? Maybe a hundred dollar product if you can add in a CD or something, that you personally talk to people maybe this could be a hundred dollar product. I don't know. I don't know the natural health market. So, this product could be priced at somewhere between fifty and a hundred dollars.

Maybe with a CD or some other added value. To create your initial ten dollar product, all you've got to do is take one of those ten chapters and basically make that your ten dollar product. Doesn't have to be the exact same chapter. It doesn't have to be an excerpt, so to speak, although it could be. You could use the same concept though and take your ten... You know, take one of your ten topics and write ten or fifteen good articles about that topic. Write another five or ten pages or topics on things that help people do that one topic better.

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